Learning above the ruler

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How do knowledge workers within your organisation learn? How can you achieve a higher learning rate of return for you and your colleagues, amongst others by actively taking your learning competences into account? We, at domo de refontiro, can assist you via our learning competences questionnaire! Visit http://www.learningabovetheruler.com/home-en and discover the free and the premium version of this powerful tool. The premium version offers extensive feedback, enabling you to learn more efficiently and granting you a better insight in your learning competences.

‘Domo de refontiro’ is there to assist and trigger you to create the most efficient and tailor-made learning environment for you and your organisation in which knowledge workers are motivated to learn in the most powerful manner, empowering them to tackle current and future challenges.

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+32 14 43 95 05
Molenstraat 31
2300 Turnhout
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