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Recently Pieter Sprangers and Christel Ruttens of domo de refontiro co-founded a second enterprise in association with Portuguese expert partners: Innokinetics. Visit to get a better insight!

Are you struggling with one or more innovation issue(s) or do you have questions about it and are you furthermore looking for the same qualitative and personalised approach as we offer you at domo de refontiro? Then Innokinetics is the answer! The establishment of this new enterprise, enables us to offer you a full from A-Z service.

For any questions concerning strategic management, business modelling, management consulting, corporate futuring, the learning of knowledge workers, creating learning environments and social innovation, domo de refontiro is there to advise you and assist you along the way. Guda, our Portuguese partner organisation, can assist you with all issues regarding design, branding and marketing. Last but not least, Innokinetics possesses unique expertise in all aspects of innovation. 

Contacteer Ons

+32 14 43 95 05
Molenstraat 31
2300 Turnhout
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